MIKE’s Impact on Students

MIKE impacted students in their health and career goals this year.

9th-graders at De La Salle North Catholic High School (DLSNC) showed an 84% increase in their understanding of fiber in their diet after participating in MIKE Program.

DLSNC students reported an increase to 90 minutes in their daily physical activities after MIKE, extending beyond the CDC recommended 60-minutes per day.

A survey of students in MIKE at Sweet Home High School found 50% ready to pursue a career in healthcare after their time in the program, with an additional 23% considering careers in healthcare. Pictured: MIKE Mentor and Volunteer Madeleine Duncan (on right) hosted an interactive OMM Lab for students to learn some aspects about osteopathic medicine at Western University of Health Sciences, COMP-NW IN Lebanon, Oregon.

MIKE students at David Douglas High School were deeply engaged with the career exploration presentations by healthcare professionals this year. 75% of the students expressed that they needed help in understanding the various training requirements in healthcare careers. Pictured: Aaron Eisen of OHSU provides a fun way at looking at his professional training journey.


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Medical Students Prescribe a Range of Healthcare Career Options